Tuesday, 5 April 2011

M-exhibition success!

 Its all over! the opening night was a great experience for me, for all those who took part as well I am sure.
although its hard to tell exactly how many people turned up, we do know how much booze we gave out
- 102 bottle of wine
- 100 bottles of beer

 I think this reflects the attendance for a 2 hour show. Every body seemed to be enjoying themselves and I heard a lot of intelligent discussions about the work as i was walking around the space.  The feedback I received proved that people liked the alternative ' run down ' look of the space juxtaposed to the white walls that we had erected in other parts of the space. A quote from a friend of mine, ' Im shocked to see the professionalism that the students are capable of, I was expecting to see an A-level type exhibition'. I agreed with his statement because the last exhibition I hanged was at my previous college, and the M-exhibition did have a very different feel to that.

 There was a lot of spare space that could have been utilised, and I think the one and only toilet was playing up slightly, which was a major problem on the opening night. I would also liked to have seen the floor  squeaky clean, but perhaps this added to the rustic feel of the show. Other than that I think the exhibition was a success, considering that we only had the space for 4 weeks.

More photo's to follow.

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